Chiropractic Services
Auto accidents, recovery, health at every size, LGBTQIA, sports injuries, pre/post surgery, craniosacral, myofascial release, trigger point therapy.
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 9-6, Sat 9-1
Please call 612-232-1535 to schedule an appointment.
Dr, Rhys Preston
A practicing Minneapolis Chiropractor for 27 years, Dr. Rhys Preston provides precise, gentle and effective chiropractic adjustments. The individual time and attention spent allows Dr. Preston to meet each of us on our journey to optimal health. This individualized plan is an opportunity to experience the highest standard of Chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments enhance our health by removing nerve impingements in the vertebral column. An expert in his field, Dr. Preston has experience treating everything from headaches and bursitis to Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Eczema. In addition, injuries sustained thru automobile accidents are effectively treated thru Dr. Preston’s gentle and knowledgeable chiropractic care. As an inclusive practitioner, Dr. Preston welcomes every person, including athletes, children, elderly and LGBTQIA community members. Receiving personal care allows each of us to feel heard and understood on our health journey, and Dr. Rhys Preston knows that listening is the key to healing.
Initial Visit
60 MINUTES $180
This initial chiropractic appointment includes history, exam, report of findings and treatment.
Chiropractic Treatment
15 MINUTES $60
30 MINUTES $90
Modalities used include: manual chiropractic adjustments and or activator
• Myofascial Release
• Trigger Point Therapy
• Ultrasound
• Kinesio Taping
• CranioSacral Therapy
Nutrition Services
Health at every size, LGBTQIA, autoimmune diseases, hormone balancing, Purification Program, healthy weight loss, food plans, nutrition.
Nutrition Consult & Exam
90 MINUTES $300
The Nutrition Consultation & Exam includes symptom survey form, analysis of food diary, nutrition exam, report of findings and wellness plan.